- contra-rotating propulsor
- (лопастный) движитель соосной схемы
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Propeller — A propeller is essentially a type of fan which transmits power by converting rotational motion into thrust for propulsion of a vehicle such as an aircraft, ship, or submarine through a mass such as water or air, by rotating two or more twisted… … Wikipedia
Treibstoff Otto 2 — Kurzbeschreibung rötlich orange, ölige Flüssigkeit Charakteristische Bestandteile 75 % Propylenglycoldinitrat 23 % 2 Nitrodiphenylamin 2 % Dibutylsebacat CAS Nummer … Deutsch Wikipedia